#DBSK and Cassiopeia are trending on twitter

Lini is back.
This is such an honor and i feel so proud to be able to be a part of this fandom;


and our fellow japan-ers BIGEAST, help us keep the faith in Japan 🙂

here are the screenshots of Twitter’s Trending List (Malaysian time and date ; 1824 on 7th December 2010)

i will update again once cassiopeia reaches #dbsk 🙂

[click to enlarge]

#DBSK and Cassiopeia (not to forget BIGEAST) are one. forever and eternally. we are still Trending on Twitter together.

Let us spread the love, trend #DBSK and put Cassiopeia below it 🙂 always keep the faith.



too bad we came THIS close 😦 but we din’t make it to putting them on top of each other. it was close enough though 🙂 always keep the faith ♥

~ by lennyxd on December 7, 2010.

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